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Social Cleanse
sharpening & levelling
self-serving bias
kernel of truth 

s&l juice

Haven’t you heard of all the success stories of others who have taken up detoxification practices? Many share their experiences of losing weight, clearing their skin, getting over a cold or overcoming chronic conditions. But they probably did not mention that they were eating nothing and constantly hungry or suffering from irregular bowel movements from all the laxatives. That would be silly- it confuses the story and would just make detox diets look bad! Surely, we should not question these stories and instead, continue to be enticed by the apparent wonders detoxification can do for us.

s.s.b juice
Being in control of our health feels good. When conventional medicine fails us, ridding ourselves of illness offers a sliver of hope. Detoxification puts the power in your hands; you are capable of healing yourself and there is absolutely no need to rely on a doctor. If you have had one too many drinks this past weekend, you probably feel extremely guilty and your body must be punishing you for your sins. The way to feel better? Detox of course! “Cleaning” your body of these unknown toxins will give you peace of mind and validate that this detoxification process is worth believing in.


k.o.t juice

This juice cleanse is the ultimate path to restoring your health. Cutting out alcohol and replacing food of little nutritional value for fruits and vegetables abundant in vitamins and minerals will, of course, benefit your body. Antioxidant-rich foods can prevent cancer and other diseases, limiting alcohol consumption will put you at less risk for liver damage and eating in a caloric deficit will cause you to lose weight. Knowing this, it is completely plausible to believe that detoxification is truly a well founded and vital practice. But let's extend these truths and over exaggerate the effects of these regimens because that is much more enticing!


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