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Cognitive Cleanse
representative heuristic
base rate of success
multiple endpoints
confirmation bias

r.h juice

With pollution in the air and chemicals around us at all times, it only makes sense that these would enter and contaminate our bodies. We must take action by detoxing our bodies of these harmful environmental stressors. This juice harnesses the purifying powers of lemon- it is found in nature, is bright and refreshing, so obviously it will clean your body. Pro tip: if you seek further detoxification, sitting in a sauna will cause you to sweat excessively, which is a physical sign that toxins are being flushed out of your body.


b.r.s juice
The body’s natural healing abilities are phenomenal, but do not give it too much credit. Detoxification methods, such as this juice, promise to bring us back into balance by getting rid of the harmful substances inside of us that cause undesirable symptoms. So, when you notice an improvement tomorrow, the positive outcome is obviously a result of the juice. Sir Peter Medawar (1967) said it best, "If a person a) is poorly, b) receives treatment intended to make him better, and c) gets better, then no power of reasoning known to medical science can convince him that it may not have been the treatment that restored his health” (p. 14). 


m.e juice

 This juice will make you feel energized, renewed, cleansed and simply, healthy. What does all of this entail? Well, there is no way to narrowly define these effects but we are sure you will feel them. Just like every detoxification treatment, these juices promise to eliminate some kind of unknown toxins through some unspecified mechanism, but that is how we know it works! Specifying the cures of detoxification would limit the scope of success, so using vague terms helps us in believing that these practices are productive.


c.b juice

You have probably arrived at this site, because you heard about detoxification, believed it and are now looking for treatments that support this amazing process. Why look for counter arguments, anyways? The more you read about the promises of detoxification, the more you will come to appreciate its glory! Julia drank this juice after feeling a little under the weather and by the next day, she was sneezing less and felt more revived! If you are experiencing cold-like symptoms, then this anecdote should only confirm that our cleanse is for you.

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